

Paula Garcia Fernandez

Paula Garcia

Paula Garcia Fernandez

Paula García Fernández is a 3D artist specialized in developing 3D characters and environments for video games. Graduate in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Contemporary Sculpture.
Musical training in jazz, blues, soul and flamenco-fusion. Currently, he is carrying out his pre-doctoral studies focused on the digital footprint of contemporary sculpture. With the first extraordinary prize for best academic performance, he taught classes in the areas of 3D modeling and animation for video games. Development of 3D immersion projects in Virtual Reality for the National Library (2022) or microscopic science exhibitions at the Madrid Planetarium (2022 – 2023).
The word technology comes from the Greek “tekhne” (“technique, “craft”) and “logia” (“study”). By investigating its resources, therefore, it is possible to delve deeper into creations that enhance the possibilities of thinking and making art.

The sculptural works of Paula García Fernández are precisely the expression of the various forms of dialogue that exist in contemporary society. Analog and digital, they establish connections between the materiality of their pieces and the creative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Its production, with organic pieces, which are often based on fractal patterns, avoids reductionisms such as beautiful/ugly or good/bad. Their proposals encourage discussion about how approaching Art and Technology means exploring concepts to know them more, discuss them and use them more and better.
The results presented impact what they offer as visuality and as a creative process. It is a proposal linked to contemporary art with the aim of combining personal experiences with AI tools, traveling paths in which there are no limits other than one's own ability to improve.
«Pensar en las conexiones entre arte y tecnología significa buscar caminos que no caigan en la simplicidad y el maniqueísmo”. Paula Fernández.
